For those of you who have followed me for awhile, you know that I don’t do New Year’s Resolutions. Instead, based on a great blogger post I read a few years ago, I select three words for my year. Those three words provide the North Star for my year and for my life for the year. Here’s what I have been led to pick for this year!


This word has always spoken to me. For me, it means doing the right thing, even when nobody is watching. We live in a world where so many things are “fake’ or labeled as such. I want my life to be one of transparency and full of integrity. It means I also want my associations to be filled with integrity and only associate with those who value this as well. I do believe we become like those we associate with, so associations are important. This value is often as simple as “say what you mean, mean what you say, and do what you say you’re going to do.”

I’ve been blessed in my life to have people who also value integrity. I’ve also, sometimes sadly, had to move on from those people or situations where it’s not present. In the end, holding true to this value in my life has been well worth it.


This year, I will do things with intention. No more “throwing things on the wall and seeing what sticks.” When we operate with intention, life just changes. I love this quote related to this one:

“Live with intention.
Walk to the edge.
Listen Hard.
Practice wellness.
Play with abandon.
Choose with no regret.
Appreciate your friends.
Continue to learn.
Do what you love.
Live as if this is all there is.”

― Mary Anne Radmacher

Each of the things on this list speak to me. I have made some awesome changes in my life this week (more on that in an upcoming post!) so that I can do what I love. This will be my hear to practice wellness, to truly listen, continue to learn, and at the end of the day, choose with no regret. I’m excited about what that will bring!


While I’ve always believed kindness is important, it’s never been on my three words list before. As I sought my third word, this just kept coming back to me. It stood out. In a world where it’s often hard to find kindness, I will focus on that this year. Sometimes that will be through random acts of kindness, which I love doing. Sometimes it will be in the simple day to day things that show kindness to others. Always, it will be a focus to be sure that my interactions with others are filled with kindness and that they know they are appreciated and loved. Imagine how our world might be different if we all made a daily effort to practice kindness!

That’s my three words! Now I want to know! Have you picked words for your year? If so, please leave a comment and share them! I’d love to support you along your journey for 2018 as well! Happy New Year!

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