It’s Love in Action week! What does that mean? It’s a time when we show love to others, give some encouragement to those who might need it, and make a difference in the lives of other people!

I love this challenge that we do every year. It’s an opportunity to really step up and find groups who can use a little extra love. This year I’ve picked two groups so let me share about them with you!

The first group is from a member of my online community. She’s a nurse at her local hospital. They have seen the COVID cases rise there and they are also very short staffed. If you’ve ever been at a job where the words “short staffed” were used, you know what that means. Mandatory overtime, rare days off, and you just get tired. Add to that the discouragement of taking care of such critically ill patients and it’s enough to wear you out. I want to show these folks love by gifting them with our book “50 Devos for Healthcare Heroes.”

The second group is a group of teachers at a local Christian school where I live. Teachers have also had a rough couple of years. But it’s not over for them. Now they have to try to get our kiddos caught up from all they missed the last two years and from how far behind they got. I cannot even imagine that stress and pressure, especially when teachers are often judged by how well their students do on testing. So I want to show these teachers they matter and give them a little extra love with the “50 Devos for Teachers’ book.

And here’s where YOU come in! I’m asking my community to help me bless these two groups by sponsoring a book or two (you can, of course, sponsor as many as you’d like). Each book is $10, and I will personally cover any extra for tax and shipping. This is a chance for us to really make a difference in lives and to show some love in action to these two groups. Won’t you help me do that? All donations will need to be received by Saturday morning!

Bless someone else and be blessed in doing it,

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