Today I thought it was time to do a little updating on my blog. I was frankly shocked to come here and see I have not written one single thing here in 2017! Where has the time gone? I came here because I have been feeling a need to get back to those things that are good for my soul. So today I want to hear what that looks like for you.

For me, things that are good for my soul are those things that bring me fulfillment and a sense of peace. A sense of well being, if you will. Here’s my list, I would love to hear yours as well!


I find when I put my thoughts into words on paper (or on a screen) it is good for me. Writing speaks to me and I have simply let life get in the way of pursuing that in my life. Today is a change and I plan to turn this around. If you’ve followed me, you know I have written a couple of books. The first two were professional books in the healthcare industry. Then I felt led to write my last one, Standing on the Promises. It was my personal study about promises in the Bible and how we can claim those in our life today. Now there’s another I know I need to write, it’s outlined, but it’s not written at all. Stay tuned as I do plan to start working on that very soon. It’s time and I need to realign my life to be sure that I am writing more often than I have been.

Making a Difference

If you’ve never read the book Half Time, I definitely recommend it. It speaks to how in our younger years, we seek success, in life and in our profession. Then we come to the half time of life and at that point we begin to seek significance. Not significance as in how important can I be, but in how can I make a difference for others. I’m at that point in life where I truly only want to do things that make a difference. I love mentoring others in business. It’s such an awesome feeling to see them succeed, to see someone step out of their comfort zone and try something new. I hope I always have opportunities like that.

More recently, I’ve done a couple of things here as well. First, I did a project with My Story Matters to create story books for children of our fallen heroes about their lives. It lets them see that their story matters and it’s important; it also gives them a voice to talk about that story, whatever it may be. We often think life is hard, but I don’t know that we truly know “hard” most of the time. These kids have all lost a part who served our country in the military. In one family’s case, they lose both parents through the tragedy of PTSD and a murder/suicide with their parents. Hard? My life is a piece of cake compared to what these kids have gone through. To see the looks on their faces when they received their books about their life was priceless and something I will never forget.

The second thing I’ve done is I have become a CASA volunteer. If you’re not familiar with CASA, you should be. Volunteers work with kids of the families who are in the midst of some pretty challenging things in life. The CASA becomes the advocate and voice for the child. And while I can’t talk much about it for obvious confidentiality reasons, I will say if you’re looking for a way to really make a difference, think about it. Your time could change the life of a child.


If you’ve followed my blog, you know that my Turbo was my dog, who I loved so much. In October of last year, we lost Turbo. It was gut wrenching and a really tough time. Then my husband decided he wanted a puppy. Now mind you, he’s never had a puppy, he had no clue how much work a puppy is, but he was dead set that he wanted a puppy. And so Shiloh came into our house and our lives. He has quickly captured our hearts and brings us joy every single day. Shiloh has his own Facebook page where he shares adventures of a growing pup if you’d like to follow along. There’s just something about simply sitting with a dog and feeling that unconditional love that’s good for the soul.

Those are three of my things that feed my soul. Now I would love to hear from you! What are the things that you do to feed your soul? I look forward to hearing from you!

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