As we follow through with our word of the week from the Focus book, this week’s word to ponder is discipline. One word each week, to spend some time focusing on it and see how your life can change!

We live in a world of instant gratification. Everyone wants what they want and they want it now. So to deny that desire definitely requires discipline.

I think it also requires a narrow focus. When I think about my own life and schedule, I have to be disciplined to get it all done. I’d much rather, for example, be off reading a good book than working on graphics, planning my week and being sure I’m ready for the week with all the things I need for my business. My focus is to be disciplined in how I spend my time so that I can get things done, even when it’s not how I want to spend the time some days. Doing that allows me to maximize my potential, which leads to more opportunities to share the message of Jesus through our products.

What are some areas in your own life where you need to practice discipline? Let’s focus on this word this week and see how we can turn things around.

To a more disciplined life,

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