Life Verse

It’s day four! I hope you are finding something every day to be thankful for in your own life. I love this challenge because it really does make me stop and think about how blessed my life is.

Today I am thankful for promises. I must admit I’ve never been one to put a lot of stock in promises, at least for the last several years. Life experiences just led me to believe words like “I promise” and “trust me” weren’t things I wanted to rely on.

Five years ago, I really felt led to write a book about the promises in the Bible. I wanted to study what was out there and how it could apply to our lives today. And so began a journey that taught me so much and allowed me to share that with others in a new book.

The picture here is my life verse. I discovered it about the time I started to write my book through reading another author’s work. It was a verse frequently used throughout her book, and one that just spoke to me. It has become the verse for my life and one I frequently return to.

What I love about this verse is that there’s nothing that says that I have to know the plan. It just says God has one. There’s nothing that says the plan will be all roses and flowers; it just says one exists, and that it won’t harm me, but it will prosper me. It is a promise I claim almost daily.

And here’s what happens. It always works out. Absolutely there are times when things are just crazy and uncertain, and I find myself looking at that promise and having a chat with God. It goes something like this: “Okay, so You have a plan. I sure can’t see it. Want to clue me in a bit?” Because, you know, I’m not a very patient person. 🙂 It’s during those times that the second half of that verse comes into play: “A plan to prosper you and not harm you, and give you hope and a future.” It’s also the time that God seems to remind me that His promises are solid. They just require faith and trust. And yes, it does always work out.

My book that I published a couple of years ago has many other promises in it. Things that I believe we can apply to our lives today. If you’d like to read more about that process, you can find it here: Standing On The Promises. The book is available on Amazon and also can be ordered through your bookstores. I’m so glad for those promises because they have made me see life differently.

Today, I am incredibly blessed because of the promises that exist. And now it’s your turn! What are you grateful for today? I look forward to hearing!

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One Response

  1. The sun is shining, I’m in my cozy office in my robe, and I feel good. What’s not to be grateful for? (Attitude change from yesterday!)

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