In the last month, I stumbled upon a site called Squidoo. Well not really stumbled so much as I happened to read Seth Godin’s book Tribes and went to do some research about him. That’s when I found Squidoo.

I’ve been playing with this for about a month and am having a ball making lenses. A lens is basically a web page and the Squidoo community shares all kinds of things. It’s a community, a place where people come together to share ideas. I love that. And although, I’m a novice, I thought I’d share a few of my lenses with you here.

One of the first ones I made, I made about Lessons From my Dog. I was missing Turbo since he lives in Colorado and this was a fun reminder of him.

My niece helped me with the lens about Bobby Jack. She is a HUGE Bobby Jack fan and we have had fun with that one.

Then I did a bucket list lens. It’s all about ideas of things to put on a bucket list of things to do before you die.

Today I’ve just been in a holiday mood so I did two holiday lenses. I did one on Christmas cookies showing some of my favorite things to make at the holidays. The other is about holiday movies.

If you haven’t checked out Squidoo, it’s a great community. Learning all of the new things I’ve had to learn to get started has been a great stimulation of my mind and I am having a ball.

Have you done anything with Squidoo? If so, I’d love to have your user name so I can follow your lenses!

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